Posted On: Mar 28, 2024

AWS Compute Optimizer now supports customizable EC2 rightsizing recommendations based on memory utilization. Compute Optimizer considers memory utilization metrics to generate rightsizing recommendations for EC2 instances when you enable memory utilization monitoring through AWS CloudWatch Agent or your preferred observability products. This launch enables you to identify additional savings and performance improvement opportunities through EC2 rightsizing recommendations by adjusting how Compute Optimizer processes memory utilization data. You can now configure EC2 rightsizing recommendations based on memory utilization at the organizational, account, or regional level.ENnbsp;

Applications can experience performance degradation if memory is running low. You can now adjust the memory utilization headroom for Compute Optimizer's EC2 rightsizing recommendations. Compute Optimizer will only recommend EC2 instances that can run your workloads below the defined headroom, ensuring high application performance. For workloads that are not performance sensitive, you can set a smaller memory headroom, allowing Compute Optimizer to identify EC2 instance types that can run your workloads with higher memory utilization, improving cost efficiency. The combination of more tailored recommendations and enhanced transparency on how recommendations are made empowers you to confidently adopt Compute Optimizer’s rightsizing recommendations.ENnbsp;

This new feature is available in all AWS Regions where AWS Compute Optimizer is available, except in the AWS GovCloud (US) and Amazon China Regions. To learn more about the new feature updates, please visit Compute Optimizer’s product page and user guide. Enable memory metrics and begin configuring your memory utilization recommendation preferences through the Compute Optimizer console or the AWS SDK or CLI.ENnbsp;