Posted On: Mar 18, 2024

AWS Secrets Manager launched a new capability that allows customers to create and rotate user credentials for Amazon Redshift Serverless. Amazon Redshift Serverless allows you to run and scale analytics without having to provision and manage data warehouse clusters. With this launch, you can now create and set up automatic rotation for your user credentials for Amazon Redshift Serverless data warehouse directly from the AWS Secrets Manager console.ENnbsp;

AWS Secrets Manager enables you to retrieve and manage secrets such as database credentials and API keys throughout their lifecycle. Now, while creating a new secret, when you choose “Amazon Redshift data warehouse” as the type of secret, AWS Secrets Manager will populate your Amazon Redshift Serverless data warehouse along with your provisioned Amazon Redshift data warehouse in the console. AWS Secrets Manager will pre-populate the required connection parameters from your Amazon Redshift Serverless data warehouse and allows you to add a username and password to it. With this, you can set up automatic rotation for your Amazon Redshift Serverless username and password directly from the AWS Secrets Manager console.ENnbsp;

AWS Secrets Manager support for Amazon Redshift Serverless data warehouse is available in all AWS Regions where Amazon Redshift Serverless is available. To learn more about the feature and how to create and store secrets for Amazon Redshift Serverless on AWS Secrets Manager, visit the documentation.ENnbsp;