Posted On: Jan 9, 2024

AWS Lambda now supports Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (MSK) and self-managed Apache Kafka as event sources in the Israel (Tel Aviv) Region, enabling customers to build serverless applications that process streaming data from Kafka event sources.

Lambda launched support for Amazon MSK and self-managed Apache Kafka in 2020. This feature enables customers to build serverless applications triggered by Apache Kafka topics using Amazon MSK, or using Apache Kafka clusters that they manage. Messages are processed in batches of up to 10,000 records, which may contain messages from one or more partitions. Messages within a partition are always processed in order. Lambda is invoked when the batch size is reached, or the payload size reaches 6MB.ENnbsp;

This feature incurs no additional charge. You pay for the Lambda function invocations triggered by the event source mapping connected to Kafka. To learn more, see the Lambda developer Guide for Amazon MSK and self-managed Apache Kafka.