Posted On: Jan 8, 2024

Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) has improved deployment monitoring for Amazon ECS services, allowing you to more quickly detect and rollback bad changes your applications deployed as Amazon ECS services.ENnbsp;

Deployment circuit breaker is a capability of Amazon ECS which allows you to monitor task launch and health check failures which indicate that a deployment will not reach steady state and rollback such deployments. When the number of consecutive failures breaches a threshold (determined based on the desired count for the service), deployment circuit breaker marks the deployment as failed and optionally rolls back the service to a healthy previous deployment. With this release, Amazon ECS has lowered deployment circuit breaker’s minimum failure threshold for services with less than 20 tasks. For example, the failure threshold for a service with 3 tasks is now 3 (v/s 10 earlier). This means that deployment circuit breaker now detects and rolls back failing deployments faster, improving your applications’ resiliency and allowing you to identify and action bad code changes quicker.ENnbsp;

This enhancement is automatically available today for all Amazon ECS services that use deployment circuit breaker without you needing to make any changes. Deployment circuit breaker is available in all AWS regions. To learn more about deployment circuit breaker, view our documentation here.