Posted On: Dec 20, 2023

Starting today, you can bring your public IPv4 addresses to AWS, in Los Angeles, Phoenix and Dallas AWS Local Zones using Bring Your Own IP (BYOIP). You can provision your public IPv4 addresses in these Local Zones and advertise them to the internet using BYOIP.

You can create Elastic IP addresses from the public IPv4 addresses that you bring to AWS, and use them with AWS resources, such as EC2 instances, and NAT gateways. If your applications are using trusted IP addresses that your partners and customers have allowlisted in their firewalls, you can now move these applications to AWS without requiring your partners and customers to change their IP address allowlists.ENnbsp;

With this launch, BYOIP is available in all commercial AWS Regions, except China (Beijing, operated by Sinnet) and China (Ningxia, operated by NWCD), and is available in Los Angeles, Phoenix and Dallas AWS Local Zones.

For more information about this feature, review the BYOIP documentation.