Posted On: Nov 28, 2023

Amazon Connect now provides a no-code UI builder enabled within the drag-and-drop workflow designer that lets you create and manage the UI shown to agents in step-by-step guides. With this capability you can design a guide that presents what the agent should review or do inside the Amazon Connect agent workspace at any moment during a customer interaction.

Using a drag-and-drop interface, you are able to define static and dynamic content, including layouts, styles, and dynamic data, which lets you to control the look and feel of your agent’s experience. Additionally, there is API support for this view creation experience, including support for AWS CloudFormation and tagging.ENnbsp;

Amazon Connect no-code UI builder is supported in all AWS regions where Amazon Connect is offered. To learn more and get started with the no-code UI builder for step-by-step guides, see the agent workspace webpageENnbsp;or the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.