Posted On: Nov 28, 2023

Amazon Connect Contact Lens now provides generative AI powered post-contact summarization, enabling contact center managers to more efficiently monitor and help improve contact quality and agent performance.ENnbsp;

Contact Lens already labels parts of contact transcripts as issue, outcome, and action item. With this launch, Contact Lens will now condense a long customer conversation into a concise and coherent summary (e.g., customer didn’t receive reimbursement for last minute flight cancellation, and the agent didn’t offer partial reimbursement as per the SOP). This enables managers to help reduce the overall time spent on evaluating contact quality and agent performance, as they no longer have to read long contact transcripts or listen to call recordings.ENnbsp;

Generative AI powered post-contact summarization is built on Amazon Bedrock, and is available for both voice and chat channel. This feature is available in US West (Oregon), and US East (Northern Virginia) regions. To learn more, please visit our documentation and our webpage. For information about Contact Lens pricing, please visit our pricing page. You do not pay additional price to use this feature in preview.ENnbsp;ENnbsp;