Posted On: Nov 26, 2023

Today we are announcing customizable EC2 rightsizing recommendations within AWS Compute Optimizer. With this launch you can now adjust both CPU headroom and thresholds, configure a new 32-day lookback period option, and set instance family preferences. These settings can be configured at the organization, account, or regional level.

The new rightsizing recommendation preferences provide you with the ability to adjust parameters used to generate EC2 recommendations. CPU headroom and threshold adjustments allow you to configure the sensitivity and added capacity in the recommendations, giving you more savings or performance sensitivity. The new 32 day lookback option allows you to configure recommendations to use one month of utilization data when calculating the recommendation results, ensuring you capture monthly utilization patterns. For customers with specific instance requirements, you can set limits on which instance types you would like compute optimizer to limit it’s recommendation results to, helping you move your workloads to families that are aligned with your governance practices.

The combination of more tailored recommendations and enhanced transparency on how recommendations are made empowers you to confidently adopt Compute Optimizer’s rightsizing recommendations. Begin configuring your recommendation preferences through the Compute Optimizer console or the AWS SDK or CLI.

This new feature is available in all AWS Regions where AWS Compute Optimizer is available. To learn more about the new feature updates, please visit Compute Optimizer’s product page, user guide, or see our blog post on this feature.