Posted On: Nov 20, 2023

Today, AWS announces the preview of Amazon CodeWhisperer for command line. CodeWhisperer now helps developers be more productive in the command line with contextual CLI completions and AI natural-language-to-bash translation.ENnbsp;

The command line is used by more than 30M engineers to write, build, run, debug, and deploy software. Despite how critical it is to the software development process, the command line is notoriously hard to use. CodeWhisperer for command line adds the modern features you expect from developer tools to your existing command line and augments them with AI. It offers two core capabilities 1/ CLI completions — as developers type in the command line, CodeWhisperer adds typeahead code completions and inline documentation for 500+ popular CLIs such as Git, npm, Docker, MongoDB Atlas, and the AWS CLI. and 2/ natural language-to-bash translation — developers can run the cw ai command, write a natural language instruction such as “download data from my s3 buckets to my desktop”, and Amazon CodeWhisperer will translate it to an instantly executable shell code snippet.ENnbsp;ENnbsp;

Amazon CodeWhisperer is an AI powered productivity tool for the IDE and command line. CodeWhisperer for command line is available on macOS for all major shells (bash, zsh, and fish) and major terminal emulators such as Terminal, iTerm2, Hyper, and the built-in terminals in Visual Studio Code and JetBrains.

Download and set up CodeWhisperer for command line in just minutes from our product page.