Posted On: Nov 17, 2023

Amazon Connect now provides a pre-built Contact Lens conversational analytics dashboard that enables customers to understand why customers are contacting, the trends of contact drivers over time, and the performance of each of those call drivers (e.g., average handle time for call driver “where’s my stuff?”). You can view and compare real-time and historical aggregated performance, trends, and insights using custom-defined time periods (e.g., week over week), summary charts, time-series chart, etc. Managers can uncover trends and patterns for different call drivers across key metrics including contacts handled and average handle time. For example, contact center managers can use this dashboard to identify which call driver is driving a spike in contact volume and, in one click, drill down into that category by analyzing individual contacts.ENnbsp;

The Contact Lens conversational analytics dashboard is available in the following AWS Regions: US EastENnbsp;(N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), Asia Pacific (Seoul), Asia Pacific (Singapore), Asia Pacific (Sydney), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), Canada (Central), Europe (Frankfurt), and Europe (London). There is no charge to use this feature.ENnbsp;To learn more about this feature, see Contact Lens conversational analytics dashboard.