Posted On: Nov 16, 2023

Starting today, we are extending the history and improving the granularity of data available in AWS Cost Explorer. AWS Cost Explorer by default now supports 14 months of cost and usage data at daily granularity, up from 13 months. In addition, customers have the option to enable up to 38 months of history at a monthly granularity, and they have the option to enable 14 days of resource level data for any AWS service at daily granularity. Each of these features is offered for free.ENnbsp;ENnbsp;

Increasing the default history to 14 months allows customers to easily compare last month’s cost to the same month one year ago. Enabling 38 months of historical data in AWS Cost Explorer allows customers to quickly perform monthly and annual comparisons over the past three years. Adding resource-level data at daily granularity enables customers to understand which resources are driving costs without needing to leave AWS Cost Explorer.

Starting today, these features are available in all AWS Commercial Regions, except AWS China Regions.ENnbsp;

To learn more, see Cost Explorer product details page and Cost Explorer user guide. To enable this additional data for your organization, visit Cost Management preferences.