Posted On: Nov 14, 2023

OpenSearch Service 2.11 now supports hybrid query score normalization. It is now easier than ever for search practitioners to leverage a combination of lexical and semantic search to improve their search relevance with OpenSearch.ENnbsp;

Combining lexical and semantic search methodologies has been beneficial to leverage the strengths of each of the methods, but until now it has been challenging given the different relevancy score scale for each method. To implement hybrid search, customers had to run multiple queries independently, then normalize and combine scores outside of OpenSearch. With the launch of the hybrid query in Amazon OpenSearch Service 2.11, OpenSearch handles score normalization and combination in one query, making hybrid search easier to implement and more efficient.ENnbsp;

For information on hybrid query score normalization, please see documentation. OpenSearch 2.11 is now available in all AWS regions globally where Amazon OpenSearch service is available.

To learn more about Amazon OpenSearch Service, please visit the product page.