Posted On: Nov 13, 2023

AWS Lambda launches a single pane view of metrics, logs, and traces in the Lambda console, making it easy for you to monitor and troubleshoot your Lambda functions.ENnbsp;

To monitor your Lambda functions, you can use the Lambda console to view Amazon CloudWatch metrics, logs, and X-Ray traces. Previously, metrics, logs, and traces existed in separate dashboards, with each dashboard containing filters to select time range, time zone, and refresh options. Now, the Lambda console features a new simplified design with a single pane view of metrics, logs, and traces, along with universal filters for time range, time zone, and refresh options. This eliminates the need to navigate between multiple dashboards and apply filters to each of them separately, reducing the number of clicks required to monitor your Lambda functions. The single pane view also makes it easy to correlate metrics, logs, and traces, reducing the mean time to recovery (MTTR) when troubleshooting errors in your Lambda functions.

To view the new simplified monitoring experience, navigate to the Monitor tab in Lambda console. To learn more about how to monitor functions in the Lambda console, visit the AWS Lambda Developer Guide.ENnbsp;

The new monitoring experience in the Lambda console is now available in all commercial regions where AWS Lambda is available, including the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions. For more information, see the AWS Region table.